
31 May 2019

Tech - Week 5

Thank you so much to Mrs Lintott for coming along and teaching us to decorate our cupcakes in an ultra-fancy way!

22 May 2019

Te Tikanga (Tokorangi) Marae Trip

We spent an awesome day at the marae today!  We had a chance to learn loads of new things, and have a go at lots of different activities.  We learnt new skills in haka and poi, had fun playing rakau games, did some sketching and had all kinds of fun.

Thank you so much to the Hallett whanau for allowing us to spend time on your marae, and for teaching us so much.

Thank you to Mr Oak who took the awesome photos!



Hollie, Amelia, Sophie and Brileigh had an awesome day out at the National Young Leaders Day in Palmerston North yesterday.  Listen out in assembly next week, for some of the things they learnt about how to be a great leader!

20 May 2019

Special Visitor

Today we had a visit from Professor Williams from Massey University.  He came along to share his knowledge of the universe to help us with our learning about What's Out There?

Here are some of the things we learnt:

  • when stars collapse, they turn into black holes - Dylan J
  • scientists have discovered 4000 other planets (so far) that orbit other stars in the universe - Ashlee E
  • all living things on Earth need water - Mitchell
  • there is an eight minute delay in what we see when we look at the sun - it takes eight minutes for the light to reach Earth - Briar
  • dying stars can make a pulse that can be detected by radios on Earth - Dylan P
  • during a Transit of Venus, you can see the shadow of Venus as it passes across the sun - Lila
  • light travels at a set speed, no matter where you are in the universe - Rhianna
  • you can shift objects with light - which is what scientists are doing to help explore the universe - Ryan
  • the Earth is definitely NOT flat - everyone!

16 May 2019

Mu Torere Championships 2019

Congratulations to Rhianna for winning the Mu Torere Tournament!

People Savers First Aid Course

Today we learnt how to save a life!  Thank you so much to Shelly from the Red Cross who taught us so many first aid skills - everything from how to deal with someone in shock, to what to do if someone is poisoned to how to bandage a wound.  We learnt heaps and even though we'll hopefully never have to use these skills, at least we're a bit more prepared if we do!

11 May 2019

Tech 2019

We were very excited to start our Tech programme last week.  Our activities are CO2 Cars, Robotics, Food Tech (cooking) and Hard Materials (woodwork) - we have five weeks of each.  So cool!  We are looking forward to learning loads of new skills, and making some awesome stuff!

02 May 2019

The Cup Tower Challenge

While the actual reason we completed this challenge was to test our ability to be a great team member, you might be interested to know how your team stacked up (!) against the others in terms of your Cup Tower.  Well done to the two teams who made a ten-high stack - you win!