
03 December 2013


We've been keeping a track of how much we've grown this year.  We measured ourselves in Febuary, June and December.  Today we analysed the information:
  • Average Height February:  1.50m
  • Average Height December:  1.56m
  • Average Growth Girls:  6.38cm
  • Average Growth Boys:  5.90cm
  • Olivia C has remained the shortest person at 1.34m
  • Stefan has remained the tallest person at 1.80m
  • Alex grew the most - 10cm!


  1. I can't believe I grew 7cm! That is quite a lot!

  2. WOW! What an incredible height distance! You must have to look up to see Stefan!

  3. I can't belive that Stafan is so big and Olivia is so short . Alex grew 10cm !

  4. This activity was super fun, I loved the challange of figuring out all of the problems. Although I swear that the calculator hated me!

  5. I feel so small standing next to Stefan. I was surprised that I only grew 3cm over the year.

  6. Wow Alex growing 10cm! That must have required a lot of food in your system! I grew 9cm so I get the whole eating heaps thing!!

  7. Wow I can't believe how much of a height difference we have in Room 6. It was quite fun working out the averages in pairs. We have all grown so much over the past year!

  8. I never knew how short Olivia C was compared to Stefan, and as you can see theres a great difference.

  9. I can't belive the different hights of the people in this class. I hope us littlies grow some more!
