
11 April 2014

Sausage Sizzle!

The Student Council cooked lunch today - a sausage sizzle!  Cooking more than 200 sausages was hot work, but everyone pitched in and worked together to get lunch ready in time.  Well done team!  Thank you to Olivia's family and our school PTA for donating the sausages.


  1. It was really great to see everyone get involved in this event. I just couldn't believe how spotty and strippy everybody was.

  2. Thank you Student Council for cooking the sausages which were perfectly done! Ka Pai!

  3. Thank you to everyone who helped set up the spotty and stripey event. It was great to see everyone contribute by wearing as much spots and stripes as they could.

  4. The sausage sizzle was delicious. I personally liked the long sausages Olivia brought to sausage sizzle.
