
08 September 2014

Pet Day - Heads Up

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Pet Day has been confirmed for Wednesday 29th October (Week 3, T4).  All students will be contributing TWO indoor exhibits.  We'll do lots of talking about our exhibits, but you can start planning your ideas now!

Exhibit One:  Miniature Rural Scenes
Using a large tray, students will make a miniature rural scene.  Students can use whatever resources they wish, such as natural materials (eg. sand, wood, sticks) and plastic farm animals.

Exhibit Two:  Rural Photo
Students will take a photo of a rural scene.  These will be printed, framed and displayed in an effective way.

Here is a slideshow of the rural photos the students in Room 6 took in 2013:

1 comment:

  1. It is always fun to come see what everyone creates on pet day. I'm looking forward to coming in and seeing your photos.
