
20 July 2015


Over the next few weeks, we'll be learning all about electricity.  We started off by thinking about where electricity comes from and how it might be made.  We all wrote down ideas.... here is a sample!  Some of us were on the right track!
  • It is made from friction.  If you rub two heavy pieces of metal together, electricity will coexist.  MIA.
  • Electricity is made from lightning.  BETHANY.
  • Electricity is made from a huge generator that pumps it all around the houses and towns.  DANIEL.
  • I think electricity is made from potatoes, soil and the sun.  CATHERINE.
  • It is made from wind turbines.  GRACE.
  • Electricity is made from the sun.  SHANE.
  • Electricity is made by a satellite on top of the roof which collects power and energy from the sun.  GREER.
  • Wind turbines collect wind and turn it into electricity.  JED.
  • Electricity comes from water.  SETH.
  • It is made from fuses underground which connect to the power box outside your house.  LEAH.
  • I think it is made from big machines somewhere in the world which brings power to our houses.  DANIELLE.

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