11 December 2021
01 October 2021
07 September 2021
Well, we now know what's happening - we'll be back at school on Thursday! It's good to finally know the plan and we can start thinking about what the last three weeks of the term are going to look like.
Thanks to the Red and Green groups for your participation in the Zoom meetings we had yesterday. It was nice to see your gorgeous faces. Don't forget to update your HRR :)
To those that joined in the Dizzy Challenge - nice! I hope no one felt too ill after spinning around all those times... sorry (not sorry). As you know, I have a tiny (major) issue with motion sickness, so there is no way I was going near that challenge! I hope no mums were harmed in the filming of the videos - those poor ladies!
- Mark yesterday's work - 'Quiz 4' and the Whizz-Kids maths worksheet:
- SPEECHES - writing your speech will be one of the first jobs we do when we're back at school. You need to take some time over the next couple of days to think about what you want to write about. I would suggest you talk to ma and pa, and get some ideas from them too. It is not a particularly easy topic, and you'll probably need all the help you can get!
- This could involve speaking about uplifting stories, taken from the lives of ordinary people, or even famous people.
- Or, you could write about someone close to you who has inspired you, someone from history that has inspired you, or even how YOU have inspired others.
- PET DAY 2021 - our Pet Selfies are sorted. Now it's time to think about our second indoor exhibit. Please read through the information on the Pet Day 2021 tab (above). Again, you have perfect opportunity to seek help/ideas/inspiration from your bubble buddies. If you have any questions, please send me an email. I need you guys to be really onto it with this.
- TECH UPDATE - we have three more sessions of Tech this term, and then we'll have the final rotation in Term 4. Tech dates this term are:
- Thurs 23 Sept
- Fri 24 Sept
- Thurs 30 Sept
- It's important you have the following things finished by the time we return to school on Thursday:
- Lockdown Thinker's Keys x4
- Daffodil Day Colouring Competition
- 'The Scream'
- Decide the focus for your speech
- Decide what your recycled animal is going to look like and gather materials
- Lucy, Lily, Brooke and Seianna - you missed your group reading Zoom meetings, so I'm not sure if you've finished reading the book or not. If not, this absolutely needs to be done
- Our trip to the Feilding Sale is cancelled, so don't worry about returning the transport forms.
- DANCE - we are all go! We have about five practice sessions before the social which is on Thurs 30 Sept.
- INTERHOUSE NUKUMBALL - we're all go for this too!
- CHIN UP CHAMPS - this is ON (hope you've been working on those arm muscles Lily!)
- NETBALL - we will have one final practice on Thurs 16 Sept (we'll take team photos at this practice, but we're going to ditch the parents vs kids game), and the last game is being played on Mon 20 Sept. We're still deciding about whether we have time to play the staff vs students game.
- THURSDAY - you need to be super onto it on Thursday. Make sure you bring the following:
- lockdown hard pack including the atlas and your PC/CF etc
- all reading/library books
- Shelby, Sophia, Maia - Daffodil Day dress up stuff (we still need you to promote this event - Daffodil Day is now Fri 17 Sept).
- Jesse, Austin - hockey tops
- Austin - cycling top
- Lily - I want my umbrella back!
- dental forms
- Riley - $5 for scissors
- Riley - bring the hockey goalie gear to school
- Millie - new ruler
- ATTITUDE - I know that some of you are quite happy at home, and that you aren't all that excited about returning to school. I also know that some of you are desperate to get back into a routine and see your mates again (and me of course). Others will fit somewhere in between. Wherever you're at, make sure you turn up on Thursday with the right attitude - be ready to work hard, and play hard! There are 12 weeks of school left this year - be ready to make the most of it.
06 September 2021
Good Morning Room 8
Welcome to Week 7! It seems strange to say that I hope you all had a great weekend, when it feels like the last few weeks have been one long weekend! Make sure you watch the Prime Minister's press conference at 4pm - then we'll know (hopefully) when we're returning to school.
CAMP: A reminder that the next $100 is due at the end of this term - Friday 1 October. You might like to remind your parents about this. Some of you may have already paid this - all details are in your KIT Books. If your parents have any questions about camp money, tell them to contact Mrs Stace.
Check out the AMAZING lip sync skills of these clever kids:
- Complete 'Quiz 4' (page 5) - answers coming tomorrow!
- Complete one of the Whizz-Kids Worksheets (maths) - the one where the first question is 25 - 21. You'll get the answers for this tomorrow too.
- Please start working on the art activity, the paint by numbers of 'The Scream' (kind of sums up how some people might be feeling during lockdown). This is one of the most famous paintings in the world. You can use coloured pencils, water colours, felts, whatever to complete this art. You'll notice that I copied it on to fancy paper, so make sure you do a good job. We're going to display these in class too, so keep it safe in your CF. You don't have to do the whole thing today, but keep working on it when you can. Here is my effort:
- Reading Groups - the Zoom code will be emailed to you just before your meeting starts:
- Green - 11am
- Red - 11.30am
- Complete today's challenge - The Dizzy Challenge! You need a broom (or similar) and someone to video you... hold the end of the broom to your forehead and LOOK UP at the end of it - don't take your eyes off it. Spin around in a circle, fast, TEN times. Try to run, or kick a ball. Send your videos to me by 6pm tonight. This should give everyone a LOL experience! Also, you get bonus points if you can convince your ma or pa to give it a go too. Check out last year's video for inspiration:
03 September 2021
Hey Room 8
FRIYAY! It's impossible for me to know how much home learning work you guys are actually doing. Yes it is totally optional (apart from the reading), BUT... soon we'll be back at school, and if you haven't been doing a wee bit of work at home, you'll be in the hurt box on Day 1. Remember - your brain is a muscle, and it needs to exercise!
Dance Update: Mrs Higgie and I are very much hoping the senior social will be able to go ahead as planned on 30 Sept. We'll be practicing our dancing as soon as we get back to school. Lucy, Maia, Sophia and Emily - we'll be relying on you to lead these practices. Make sure you know what you're doing please!
To those that joined in the Trick Shot Challenge - epic effort!
Here are the answers to the Staff Baby Photo Challenge (told you Baby 12 was cute)
- Mark your division and 'Lockdown Riddles' work:
- Catch Ups - by now, the following things should be finished... and if you haven't... well, you know, do it :)
- Lockdown Thinker's Keys x4
- Daffodil Day Colouring Competition
- Green and Red - you must finish the book by Sunday. Zoom sessions will be on Monday - I'll email you the code just before your meeting starts:
- Green - 11am
- Red - 11.30am
- Just one other activity today team, and that's the 'Map of Aotearoa New Zealand' (page 8). Use your atlas to mark all those places on the map.
- Make sure you send me an entry for the 'Room 8 Snapchat Lip Sync Battle' - thanks for the idea Mrs Higgie. Use a fancy filter (please choose one where it's possible to actually see who is singing), find a cool song with appropriate lyrics, and get stuck into it. Send me your video by 6pm today. Happy Snapchatting!
02 September 2021
Kia Ora Kidlets
Thursday today! Yay! Who doesn't love Thursdays? Another gorgeous day too. I know some of you will be getting a bit tired of being at home now - hang in there! I'm sure you're looking forward to seeing the video of the Tik Tok Challenge - it's pretty rad! It was a small, but dedicated group of people who participated in this challenge. Well done to the mums and dads who got involved. Legends.
Thought you might like to see everyone else's Pet Day Selfies too:
- Mark your multiplication algorithm work and 'Quiz 3':
- Complete the division algorithm sheet - answers coming tomorrow.
- Have a go at the 'Lockdown Riddles' (page 18) - answers coming tomorrow. Some of these are quite tricky, so get some help if you need it. Good luck!
- Finish your Thinker's Keys work. If you've been doing a little bit of work each day, this shouldn't take too long. Remember, this is one of the pieces of work we'll be keeping so it does need to be finished by the time we're back at school.
- Keep working on the Staff Baby Photo Challenge and the Daffodil Day Colouring Competition.
- Red and Green.... just keep reading, just keep reading, reading, reading.
- Start planning something cool to do on the weekend - use this to help:
- Complete today's challenge: Trick Shots! Use our 2020 video for inspiration and make your own. Email me the video of your success/failure by 6pm tonight. Fraser, no need to get half naked in this one. Have fun everyone :)
01 September 2021
Good Morning Boys and Girls
Sing it with me now.... good morning, good morning, the sun will shine at breakfast time, good morning, good morning to you!
What a beautiful day to be alive!
Level 3! Which won't make hardly any difference to our lives at all. That's okay though, if you're missing your mates, do not worry - this video of the Dare Challenge will be sure to make you feel happy in your heart. Again, it's awesome to see some siblings getting in on the action. A couple of shout outs:
- James S - that was an excellent effort to hold that egg down
- Jordan - what a gorgeous babe of a woman you'd make
- Mark your subtraction algorithm work:
- Complete the multiplication algorithm sheet - answers coming tomorrow.
- Complete 'Quiz 3' (page 4) - answers coming tomorrow.
- Complete the third Thinker's Key.
- Keep working on the Staff Baby Photo Challenge.
- Keep working on your Daffodil Day Colouring Competition.
- Red and Green - keep reading.
- Complete today's challenge - the Tik Tok Challenge. Choose one of the challenges shown in the video, and do it (well, attempt to at least). You know the drill - send me a video by 6pm tonight. FYI - if you choose the Towel Challenge... it is possible!
31 August 2021
What's Up Everybody?
It's technically Tuesday of Week 6 today... time is flying! I hope you're all still doing well at home, and not getting too bored. I also hope you are being good little boys and girls, and being nice to your parents and siblings!
Just a word about class challenges - not too many people have joined in for the last couple of challenges. Let's see if we can improve that. It's waaaaaaay better when everyone has a go. The main reason our 2020 videos were so cool, was because nearly everyone participated. Well done to those who have been joining in, you're my favs.
First up this morning, please watch the video showing the awesome effort of the 14 people who completed the Tower Challenge - no surprises with Fizzy's choice of building materials!
- Mark the 'Top 5', addition algorithm work and the quiz from yesterday - if you had a family challenge with the quiz, I hope you won!
- Select and complete the next Thinker's Key activity - by the end of today, you should have complete two sections.
- Complete the subtraction algorithm sheet. You'll get the answers tomorrow.
- Start/keep working on your Daffodil Day Colouring Competition. I know some people have finished this, and others haven't started. It should be in your clearfile. This needs to be finished by the end of the week.
- Reading - Blue - stand by for our Zoom meeting at 11am. I'll email you the code just before 11. Green and Red - remember to finish your book by Sunday.
- Have a crack at working out who is who in this video. Write a list and get your bubble buddies to help if you get stuck. Lots of people at our school will be getting involved with this challenge, and you'll get the answers at the end of the week. I believe that Baby 12 is particularly cute. Good luck.
- Now... the moment you've all been waiting for... today it's time for the DARE CHALLENGE. I tried really hard to think of original ideas that were different to what R8 did in 2020, but it was really tricky (plus, they were awesome). However, if you were in R8 last year, you cannot do the same challenge as last time - roll again! How cool would it be if all 28 of you participated in this challenge? One more thing - 6pm is the cut off time for sending me your videos. I have been receiving a few late entries, so make sure you're onto it. Let's do this R8.
30 August 2021
(hope you like the title font Lucy)
Morena Kids!
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend, and had the chance to do something cool... even if it was only in your backyard! Now we know that we'll be at home for a bit longer, our home learning will continue. Keep checking in here each morning for a list of things to do.
Gordy, Moss and Jesse - I have not received your pet selfies yet.
Have a watch of this great dance video - thank you so much to those who joined in. I hope you had fun! A big shout out to the siblings who got involved too. Well done Sophie, Josh, Isabelle, Katie, Georgia, Cooper, Tom and Shelby's little sister (can't remember her name sorry).
- Mark 'Quiz 2' and the 'Wacky Words' activity:
- Complete today's quiz. You'll get the answers tomorrow. Why don't you organise a family competition and see who is the smartest?
- Complete the 'Top 5' (page 7) activity. Extra points for anyone who can correctly predict Number 1 on each list. Good luck! Answers will come at you tomorrow.
- Select and complete ONE of your Thinker's Keys (page 20). When finished, this work will end up in your ROCK Book, so please make sure it's up to your usual standard... and mine :)
- Complete the addition algorithm sheet - there are 35 questions, and you should be able to smash that out no worries!
- Reading
- Blue - you should now be finished your book. Yay! (don't forget to update your HRR). Lachie, Jayda, Ruby, Maia, Lucy, Riley, Saskia and Lily - I would like to meet with you on Zoom tomorrow at 11am for a quick discussion. I'll email you the Zoom code just before 11am.
- Red AND Green - finish your books by Sunday. We'll either discuss the final chapters in class if we're back at school, or meet on Zoom if we're in lockdown. Enjoy the final chapters - both books have a LOT of action to come.
- And finally, complete today's challenge:
27 August 2021
Lockdown Learning - FRIDAY
Buenos Dias Amigos!
It's Friyay! But no Tech. No library. No assembly. Well just have to do some ultra awesome home learning instead! First of all, you might like to watch the Halcombe School Backyard Lockdown Olympics video. Thanks to all those who sent in an entry. You're my favs!
And our Chalk Challenge: nice work Room 8!
- Mark the 'Famous Places' activity from yesterday. Hope you scored well (I should think so if your bubble buddies helped).
- Chuck another entry or two into the St John competition (the one where we could win a morning tea shout). I checked with the lady, and she said to type 'Halcombe School' after you enter your name at the end of the quiz.
- Do your group reading - needs to be done by Monday:
- Red - up to Chapter 20
- Green - up to Chapter 32
- Complete 'Quiz 2' (page 3) from your lockdown pack. You'll get the answers on Monday.
- Complete ' Wacky Words' (page 17) from your lockdown pack. You might be able to work out some answers yourself, but you'll definitely need help from the smart people in your family for this one! Answers coming on Monday. You'll need the coloured version of Number 10:
- Today's class challenge WAS going to be the Dare Challenge, but.... we need warm, sunny weather to do it. So that challenge is on hold for another time. Instead, to celebrate the start of our dance unit.... it's dance time! Using the videos below for inspiration, come up with your own dance routine (using the same music as shown). Don't film it through Tik Tok, just make a normal video and send it through to me. If you want to do any video editing, I recommend downloading the iMovie app - that's the easiest to use. When your family members say they don't want to do it, tell them I said they had to! Videos are due by 6pm tonight - looking forward to seeing your moves Room 8!
24 August 2021
Lockdown Learning - THURSDAY
Hey Kids!
What a great day to be alive! The sun is (sort of) shining and we're safe and well in our bubbles. Brilliant. Thanks for your work yesterday. By now your character description of Chance, Patrick or Alex should definitely be finished, and Jordan, Gordy, Jesse, and Moss, can you please send me your pet selfie?
- Mark your work from yesterday - 'Quiz 1' and 'Name The Character'. Hope you scored 100%.
- Complete the 'Famous Places' activity (page 6). Same rules as yesterday, your bubble buddies can help, but no searching for answers online. You'll get the answers tomorrow.
- Make sure you're all ready to go for our Zoom meeting at 10am this morning. Remember, I'll email the code you need to access the meeting just before 10am. Be ready to give everyone a quick rundown on what you've been up to at home. Looking forward to seeing your faces!
- Complete the Response to Text activity for your reading group - all three groups can use the same Padlet. The question? Select a scene from the text. What was your reaction to what happened? How did you feel?
- Complete the Chalk Challenge! You have three pieces of chalk in your lockdown pack. Find a piece of concrete and draw a beautiful self portrait (head only). Three pieces of chalk isn't much, and it will soon disappear.... don't draw it too big. When you're done, lie down next to the self portrait and get someone to take a photo. Email the photo to me by 6pm tonight.
- Practice being brave. Tomorrow's challenge will be the 'Room 8 Dare Challenge' (thanks to all those that requested this). Hope you're up for it.
- Group Reading - due tomorrow
Lockdown Learning - WEDNESDAY
Morena Room 8,
It has been a week since our little lockdown holiday has begun... a bit hard to believe really! I'm sure you've been enjoying some time off, but I hope you've found some time to do the things on the 'must be done before Wednesday' list. That list was in my letter in the lockdown pack, so if you haven't had a chance to read through that, I suggest you get onto it immediately! To summarise, the following things should now be done:
- character description of Chance, Patrick or Alex
- pet selfie (still waiting for 9 people to do this)
- you should be up to date with your group reading
- Complete 'Quiz 1' (page 2) and 'Name The Character' (page 19) from your lockdown pack. You may ask your bubble buddies for help if you're stuck, but no searching for answers online! You'll get the answers tomorrow.
- Complete the 'Response to Text' activity for your group reading. Comment on the Padlet below (just click the plus sign in the bottom right hand corner, and you'll be able to leave a comment).
- Prepare for a Zoom call - this will happen at 10am tomorrow. I will email you a link, and all you need to do is click on the link, and you'll gain entry to the meeting. I'll send that email a few minutes before 10 tomorrow. Yay, we'll be able to see each other! (don't forget to brush your hair).
- Group Reading - due tomorrow
- Send me an entry for the Halcombe School Backyard Lockdown Olympics. This is the first of our 'Daily Challenges', and is open to the whole school. The challenge we have tomorrow, will just be for our class. If you have any cool ideas for these challenges, send me an email.
12 August 2021
06 March 2021
School Triathlon
Congratulations to all those who participated in our triathlon last week. Even though parents couldn't be there, it was still awesome to see everyone cheering each other on. Well done Room 8!
18 February 2021
Kawhatau Camp
One of the highlights from our camp to Kawhatau was the compulsory before breakfast swim! The icy water definitely woke us up!
13 February 2021
11 February 2021
Room 8 - Lido Awesomeness!
This video highlights what it means to succeed in Room 8 - give things a go, try your best, cheer on your mates, take a risk and always be ready to have a laugh and have fun. Nice work team.