
30 January 2013

Self Portraits - With A Difference!

We created these wonderful self portraits using a slightly unusual technique!  We had to trace around our facial features with our left hand, while drawing what we could feel with our right - with our EYES CLOSED!  We are really proud of the finished product, our first piece of art for 2013!

  • take risks with our artwork - we have to have confidence.
  • use a variety of senses to construct this art (mainly touch).
  • blend pastels smoothly.


  1. Wow these all look amazing!

  2. Looks almost like the real thing! Great job, I really enjoyed this artwork as it was quite ... interesting to see the finished product.

  3. These portraits look great! Some look like the artists themselves!

  4. Nelly told me about these portraits so we all gave it a crack at home, the results were very interesting...we noticed the older the 'artist' was the more accurate their portrait. Maybe this would be a good exercise to try every year or so to see how your portraits change...
