
28 May 2013

Creative Writing

We've been developing our creative writing skills this week.  The challenge was to think of an animal that we shared similar characteristics with, and write all about it!  We all enjoyed sharing our writing with others:

Have a read of these wonderful examples:

Trevor the Plover
I am like a plover, because they’re small and like to just chill out. I am like a plover when I just sit down for hours watching TV. A plover sits on its eggs for countless hours steering at sunsets and the cold blue sky as the clouds slowly float by. Like a plover I like to fly around and lie down when I’m out of breath.
Plovers are territorial and aggressive, because they don’t like being bullied or pushed around I hate being pushed around and bullied by others too. I don’t like things being moved or stolen from me, like Yorkshire pudding being stolen from my mouth when I’m having a roast dinner. I don’t like things being moved in my room.
I’m creative like a plover building a nest. I like thinking of things unique and original things, just like a plover. Some of the unique and original things I do are drawing differently to others, because I have my own and unique ways of drawing things. By original, I mean I like to think outside of the box.
Plovers are annoying and don’t stop chittering and chattering. All they do is talk about things. I’m a chatterbox, too, although I am shy around new people.
I like playing around and exploring, like when I’m in water. I like playing, but I hate racing others in water or going a long way out to sea, just like the plover. I like exploring just like a plover likes to fly around to different places, I like to explore new things like the glow worm caves at Sixtus Lodge.
Alexander the Galapagos Iguana
Galapagos Iguana’s are always in a large colony.  They feed in colonies, and they live in colonies.  I am like an iguana in this way because I enjoy the company of others, I talk with others and I eat with others.  I am always with my friends at school, and when I am at home my family is always there.
Iguanas are very fit.  They swim for hours a day and often have to run from predators.  Like the iguana, I love to swim for hours; especially in the sea.  I like to run and when we play games at school I run very fast from the tagger.
Iguanas are mainly herbivores, eating seaweed from the bottom of the sea floor.  However they are also scavengers and often eat pieces of stray meat from deceased animals, be it a tortoise or a dead iguana.  Like the iguana I like salads and seaweed (mainly on crackers or wrapped around sushi), I also love meat.  My favourite food is meat and salad. Therefore like the iguana, I am fit and take whatever food comes my way.
Iguanas have tough skin and sharp spikes.  I have tough, rough skin.  In the morning my hair has a life of its own and is spikey and sticking out at odd angels.  These things give me the traits of an Iguana and the Iguana the traits of a strange boy living in New Zealand.
Juliet the Border Collie
Border collies love to laze around outdoors in the sun, but they also have a fierce side.  They are friendly, energetic and of course just a tad lazy.  There is no better animal than a border collie that could be used to describe me.  Often I go around easily pleased, but I do have a particularly fierce side.
Border collies are often relaxing in the sun without a care in the world.  I sure do love sleeping, lazing around and everybody knows never to wake me up when I’m sleeping in. 
Border collies are hard workers and always try their very best.  During school and at home when I am needed for a job, I do it.  Also I strive to achieve my very best and put hours of work into something to make it of a high standard. Border collies plough through their work and as long as they are well fed they will stay in an excellent mood.  I’m the same. I need food otherwise I get cranky and unreasonable. 
These beautiful dogs are intelligent and are aware of the tiniest things.  Border collies are perfectionists and I am the same, because I don’t see the point in doing a job and not doing it well.  Border collies bound around the place with their thoughts running wild.  I certainly think about my plans in school work, games and everyday activities.  Some people say I overthink things, but at least then it goes according to plan. 
Jasmine the Labrador
Labradors are funny dogs who are very good companions. They are very friendly and cuddly and are very welcoming dogs. I think I would be like a labrador because I am quite friendly and loving too. They are quite big and tall, just like me. They have this funny look on their face telling people that they are a bit goofy. That is like me because you will often find me daydreaming!
Their personality matches my personality almost exactly! They are playful and are always hyped up. I get hyped up too sometimes when I have been running around a lot. They like to explore and they don’t mind getting their paws dirty. Labradors have a very bubbly personality just like me because I always have a smile on my face.  One of the main things that they have in common with me is that they are always hungry! They will eat a lot of food in one day and won’t be satisfied!
If you were to describe a labrador and its habits, you would probably say that they are, playful, chilled, social, and not the smartest of dogs. This compares to me because I can be crazy some days and chilled the next.
Elen the Panther
Panthers are extremely active. They are very good runners, swimmers and climbers. In this way I am like a panther, because there isn’t a day in the week where I do not play a sport. I am very active and sporty. This makes me like a panther.
Panthers are sleek, muscly and beautiful. When they are catching prey, panthers are elegant and they always make it look easy. Many people have told me that when I am swimming I look like I am not even trying.  In my own opinion this makes me like a panther.
Panthers have their own personal traits which are not unlike mine. For example, I am very determined and I will not give up easily, I am very stubborn. I am confident with everything I do, from making friends to competing in a sport. A panther is like this, because if they want to get something to eat they will not give up until they are collapsing with exhaustion or they are up a tree eating their dinner. Panthers mostly have yellow eyes, which makes them have a sly look about them. They are also very cunning. This makes me like them, because I can be quite sly when I want to be.
Panthers love lying in the sun and having their alone time. I am like this, because I love my alone time and there is nothing better than relaxing in the sun on a hot day. If you have ever seen a picture of a panther they are often doing one of three things, catching prey, roaming or relaxing in the sun. Whenever I am on the beach I will do my playing first then I will crash down on the beach towel and attempt to get a tan!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading these. I can totally see how some of you are similar to the animals you've described. Very clever - Miss Jeynes
