
02 July 2013

Science Update

We learnt HEAPS in our science lesson this afternoon.  First we revised our map-drawing rules:
  • maps have a key and the key must match what is shown on the map
  • all lines and writing should be straight
  • must have a compass rose to show the direction of north
  • must have a title
First we identified and labelled the continents.  After that we learnt about the names, location and size of the main tectonic plates on Earth.  It was interesting to find out what direction they are moving in too!  Finally, we talked about the Ring of Fire (the geographic feature, not the Johnny Cash song - though we did listen to this while we were working), and added this to our map.

Here is the map that Nelly drew:

1 comment:

  1. Nelly - this is an excellent map. It looks as if someone in about year 12 drew it! I hope you are enjoying learning about earthquakes and volcanoes.
