
22 October 2013

Pet Day

Today we celebrated Pet Day at Halcombe School.  It was awesome to see so many people getting involved with the different parts of the day and everyone had lots of fun. 

As well as making cupcakes or muffins and displaying our rural photos, some people brought their pets - everything from lambs to dogs to chooks. 

We also had an Agrikids Challenge that saw all four houses battling it out for first place.  Well done to Kauri who won this event!

Thank you to all the teachers and parents who helped make sure our day ran smoothly.  We were certainly very lucky with the weather.

Check out the photos!


  1. I really enjoyed Pet Day, because it was so cool seeing everybody's animals and muffins. The country kids challenge was also really fun to watch and I was proud that Totara never stopped cheering.

  2. I enjoyed pet day. It was awesome to see all the different pets at school. Agri kids was challenging. One thing our group had trouble with was the fadge race and hitting the duck. I liked drinking the coke and carrying the straw bayles, but the straw did cut your legs and left big red dots.

  3. That was a really good challange for those that did it. Rimu came second.

  4. I loved pet day because at my old school we only had Lamb and Calf day. But now I could finally bring my dog Olly!

  5. It was awesome to see all the pets at school. The muffins looked really awesome and had really cool designs on them.

  6. Pet Day was great! I particularly liked competing in the Country Kids challenge.

  7. I loved the Agri Kids challenge. Thankyou Tyler for your great animal smarts.

  8. I really enjoyed pet day. I can't believe it was my last one at Halcombe School. All the muffins we made looked amazing. Well done to kauri who won the Agri Kids.

  9. I really enjoyed pet day. I think that the country kids competition was a great idea and I hope to get in next year.

  10. Pet day was so much fun! I espeically enjoyed the Country Kids challenge.

  11. I really enjoyed Pet Day too. All the animals were well behaved and the kids did a great job of controlling and looking after their animals. I enjoyed cooking 100's of sausages because everyone appreciated them. Finally, it was sooooo well organised! Well done.

  12. I had the best pet day ever because I brought my pet lamb called Storm.

  13. It was really fun and I enjoyed pet day. Pet day was really fantastic! Lots of people brought their pets and it was amazing to see all the different types of animals there.

  14. I found the muffins were fun to make.

  15. The rabbit costume was so hot that I could barely breathe!

  16. Nice job to Kauri for coming 1st. Hitting the duck was really hard!

  17. Looks like everyone had a fantastic day, sad that I missed it. Amazing photos.

  18. Thanks for all your positive comments about the Country Kids challenge. This was a 'first' but it looks as if we'll be making this an annual event. Thanks Room 6 for all the extra work you did to ensure our Pet Day was such a success. We really appreciate your help.

  19. Hi Room 6
    Wow, that looks like heaps of fun! Pet Day is a great idea, who came up with it? Mmmm, those cupcakes look delicious! And those challenges looks like loads of fun. Also something I could suggest to our class!
    Jude Van Houtte
    Room 2 Ross Int.
