
02 December 2013


Today we had a special visit from Mr Darling and Mr Johnson from the Halcombe Fire Brigade.  They reminded us about some really important fire safety messages.  We all agreed it was good to be reminded of these things!  We also watched an incredible but tragic video clip of a fire that destroyed a stand in a football stadium in England in 1985.  Many lessons were learnt from the disaster and it was good for us to discuss what happened.  Key messages to remember are:
  • if you realise there is danger, ACT STRAIGHT AWAY
  • never assume that someone has dialed 111 - better to do it than not
  • if you see an emergency exit has been blocked, inform someone
  • do not judge people for the way they react to a disaster

Here is what some of us had to say:
  • I thought the fire was scary and it was sad that 56 people died.  I learnt not to be afraid to call 111 and that I should talk to my parents about our escape plan.  Hannah.
  • The film reminded me of just how dangerous a fire can be and I was also reminded of some really important things that could potentially save my life.  Jago.
  • The film was very graphic and I didn't know a fire could spread so quickly.  Seeing the people on fire was quite alarming.  Tammy.
  • I was shocked to see how big the fire got in such a short space of time.  I was reminded to 'stop, drop and roll' when you are on fire.  Victoria.
  • I thought the DVD was really interesting as it was real-life footage of how people reacted.  I can't believe that 56 people died, because the police did a good job of getting everyone out.  Elen.
  • I was surprised that noone took action when they saw the fire.  Kyle.
  • The movie was pretty hard core, because I've never seen a fire grow that big before.  It was also scary to know that people caught on fire from the heat and not from actually touching the fire.  I learnt that I should never underestimate a small fire.  Cody.
  • I learnt that if someone is on fire, you shouldn't try to put it out by flapping material at them - this will make it worse.  Jasmine.
  • I found it quite shocking that all the fire exits were locked.  It was good to reminded of how to be firewise.  Trevor.


  1. Hannah and I did discuss an emergency plan and she told me lots about what she learnt today, re-telling the story of the sports ground fire. sounds like you all learnt a lot

  2. I personally really enjoyed watching the video, because it was really interesting and it gave you a good idea of how a proper fire will look and how fast it will spread. It also gave you a couple of really good tips on what to do if you are ever in a fire.

  3. The DVD we watched was amazing I never knew fire could travel that fast. We learnt lots and talked about fires in the Halcombe area.

  4. I learnt a lot and I was shocked when the DVD said that 56 people died in the fire.

  5. This movie made me fell really sad and I now know that you should never underestimate a small fire

  6. I was shocked at how many peope died that day, I cant belive that the fire exits were locked. I was amazed at how fast fire can travel and how many people did not care about the fire when it started.

  7. I found the DVD of the Bradford Stadium fire very terrifing. I can not even begin to imagine how scary it would have been for the people attempting to evacuate the grandstands, some in excruciating pain, as they were burning. Mr Darling asked us how many people called the police to report the fire and the amount was very sad, as no one had phoned 999. I have never and do not ever want to be put in the same position as those helpless people.

  8. I really enjoyed leaning about fire safety. I need to make an emergency plan at home.

  9. The DVD we watched was very hard hitting at the fact that 56 people died most of those, because the Emergency Exits were locked, lucky they dont do this anymore!

  10. I had a really fun time learning more about how to be safe in the case of a fire. I also learnt a lot more about the Halcombe fire brigade and what they do to help the community.

  11. I learnt quite a lot in this lesson and it reminded me about lots of things as well. The video we watched was very hard hitting and I am pleased that we have better fire saftey now. I can't believe 56 people died from one person dropping a cigerette down beneath the seats.

  12. The movie as I said was pretty intense especially with people literally on fire, everywhere! I also need to discuss a fire plan with my parents, just incase there is a fire at home.

  13. I learnt how big a fire can get in less than 4 minutes.

  14. This was sad because there were lots of people on fire.
