
28 March 2014

Special Project

We were involved in a special creative project at school today.  We came across the concept of fence decorating earlier in the year and decided to beautify our swimming pool fence!

Jorja, Madison, Blair, Darian, Jordan, Jago, Trevor and Quaid came up with a bunch of different designs.  Once we had chosen our favourites, we divided up the colours and placed out the cups in a 'practice design'.  We took a photo of this and then used the photo to get the design on the fence right.

After that, we dunked the plastic cups in hot water to soften them up.  Some people had to pull the fence tight to make it easier to squeeze the cups into the holes.  This was really difficult.

When we had finished, we thought the fence looked magnificent!

Photographer:  Mrs Simpson

We were pretty proud of the finished product - our fence looks awesome!


  1. Your fence art looks awesome Room 6.

    1. I agree Mrs Ferris the fence does look amazing
