
04 April 2014

Dr Paul - The Insect Guy

Today we had a visit from Dr Paul, an entomologist (insect specialist) who works for Landcare Research.  He came along to talk all about insects and to share some of the work he does - using insects to get rid of nasty plants (like horsetail) in New Zealand.  He shared lots of interesting information with us and we learnt heaps.  A highlight was having a close-up look at his specimen trays.  Thanks Dr Paul!


  1. Looks like you had a great time looking at all the insects Dr Paul bought in. Bet you learnt lots of great facts about insects.

  2. It was fun learning all new different things about amazing insects. I hope Dr Paul and his work mates can find a insect that can eat Horse Tail and get rid of it.

  3. Dr Paul's visit sounded interesting. Room 3 are having fun learning about insects too!
