
05 September 2014

Board of Trustees Meeting

Last night, Jorja, Sophie, Hannah and Blair gave a presentation to the Board of Trustees.  They talked about key competencies, ICT (including student blogs), leadership, bullying and school culture.  They did an awesome job and the Board were very impressed with their maturity, confidence and ability to answer some hard questions!  Well done team!

Following this part of the meeting, the Board visited classrooms - check out the comment Ms. Darragh left us:


  1. Hi Jorja, Hannah, Sophie and Blair,
    All I can say is..........fantastic presentation last night!! You all spoke so clearly and had a wonderful understanding of the key competencies. It is always lovely for us as a Board to hear what our students are doing and to see the success they are having. You answered all our questions thoughtfully and to top it off showed us your detailed and artistic blogs! We could see how much time you have all spent on these and we thank you very much for sharing them with us. Keep up the enthusiasm you showed us for your learning. Have fun using all your new knowledge. Lots and lots of thanks Anne :)

  2. I was very impressed with Hannah, Jorja, Blair and Sophie, you are all very mature and thoughtful with your answers. I found myself thinking at one point what would I answer to that question?, but the answers given were given with confidence of your knowledge. Tino pai te mahi!

  3. Outstanding presentation from our mature young leaders, full credit you guys. Thanks Blair for educating this technophobe.

  4. I really enjoyed what you shared with us at the meeting. I liked Jorja's design for her blog, and her confidence using the technology. The high standard of work was impressive. All the best for high school!

  5. I am so proud of you! It's not easy talking in front of a group of adults, but you did a fantastic job. Your presentation was confident, well prepared and mature. The Board of Trustees really appreciated you talking to them. A big part of their role is to know what is happening for kids at our school. Thanks also to your parents for bringing you to the meeting. It is a pleasure to have you all at Halcombe School.
