
21 April 2015

Te Reo Kori

Our PE focus for the first part of this term is on Te Reo Kori (traditional Maori games).  The key things we'll be learning are:
  • rakau
  • poi
  • poi rakau
  • korari
  • waiata

We are looking forward to sharing our learning in an assembly for parents later in the term.  We're hoping we'll be able to do this at one of our local marae, Taumata O Te Ra.

Today we all had a go at poi rakau - a simple, yet surprisingly challenging stick game.  Some of us were hopeless, so we have lots of practice to do!


  1. It was really fun doing korari, because it was something new and I nearly dropped it every time.

  2. This sounds like a lot of fun, well done to all of you for trying something new.
