
30 May 2015

'Big Game' - Dan Smith

At the moment, our shared novel is 'Big Game', by Dan Smith.  We're all LOVING this book, and can't wait to find out what happens next.  One of the things we talk about, is the importance of making pictures in your head, while Miss Simpson is reading. This helps us to understand what is happening in the book.  Last week, we had to pick our favourite scene from the book so far, and draw what we thought it looked like!


  1. I was just having a browse on the internet and I came across your blog post and . . . wow! I'm so pleased to see that you're enjoying my book Big Game. I had a lot of fun writing the story, so it's great to hear that you're enjoying it too! And your pictures are AMAZING! They are so well drawn and so colourful. Some of the scenes you have drawn are exactly as I imagined them. Well done!

  2. WOW! I love your pictures Room 6. I can't even draw that good. They are amazing. Well done!
