
18 June 2015

Special Netball Match

The 'A' netball team played a special match at school today.  This was a catch up game against Te Kura Kaupapa O Manawatu.  It was a really tight match, with amazing skills shown by both teams.  The final score was 16-11 to Halcombe - well done team!  After the match, we had a shared afternoon tea, which was delicious! Thanks to all our supporters who came along to watch today, and to Elen, our referee.

Photographer:  Ben Langtry and Mrs Langtry


  1. That was a very tough game, but I am very glad we pulled through in the end. They are very funny and I enjoyed meeting them and talking to them after the game. Their chant is so awesome to.

  2. Great game girls, well played.

  3. Another exciting game to watch girls, so proud of how well you work together and how far you have come as a team. It was good that the younger girls got to watch you olders ones play.

  4. This was an extremely tough game, but we all worked hard and managed to take the win. They were such a funny team though and I really enjoyed talking to them and getting to know them!
