
01 July 2015

A Day Of Awesomeness!

Well, it was quite a day at Halcombe School!  The day was full of fun events...

First up was Wheels Day!  We all had loads of fun zooming (or drifting) around the school.  This was organised by the Student Council and they did a great job of supervising the riders and making sure everything went according to plan.  Well done team!  

Next up was Burger Day.  The Student Council prepared the fillings for 142 burgers!  The pressure was to get everything ready in time for lunch, but everyone worked hard and the burgers were delicious!  Thanks to Mrs Simpson for her help and the use of her electric knife to cut the buns!

After lunch, it was time for the Staff vs Year 8's patter tennis match.  The Year 8 students felt very nervous and scared after the mighty warm up by the staff.  The staff absolutely smashed the students in the first match, but the students fought back to win the second match.  In the tie-breaker, the staff just managed to hold on for victory!  Yehaa!

And finally.... Cody, Riley and Seth broke the rod tower record today!  Well done boys!


  1. Well done boys! I've never seen a rod tower as tall as that before!

  2. Wow boys that is amazing! You must of spent a long time doing that.
