
13 August 2015

Science - Electricity

Today we finished up the practical side of our learning about electricity.  The challenge was to construct a miniature house (from cardboard), and wire the house so that when you opened the door, the light turned on, and when you rang the door bell, the buzzer buzzed!  It was pretty tricky and we had to use our best problem solving skills to work out how to do things.  Well done to Ffion and Isaac, who were the only group to get both the bulb and the buzzer working.


  1. It was hard to make a house that was connected with a circuit. Mia and I tried our best, but failed.

  2. I had so much fun making those houses yesterday.

  3. Jack and I were very close to getting our buzzer and light working, but we ran out of time.

  4. I really enjoyed learning about electricity! I found it a little bit challenging making the light turn on when you opened the door.
