
13 August 2016


We have two teams entered in the local Flippaball competition, played at the Makino Pool each week. The five-week season kicked off on Friday, and both teams did really well.  The Red Team had a good win over Feilding Intermediate, and the Black Team went down to Waituna West.  Thanks to our coaches, Mrs Alcock and Ms Lord and all those who came to support us at our first game.  Good luck for the rest of the season - only four more games!


  1. I love playing flipa-ball and I can't wait to play this Friday. The down side of playing is the hats! They are uncomfortable, ugly and cold. Good Game team, we will waste our next opponents!

  2. Flippaball was very fun, even though my team didn't win. I still had fun.

  3. Good luck for the next four games. I hope you win!

  4. You all look like you really enjoy it, I hope u win all your games. Good luck!
