
02 February 2017

Swimming In The Rain

It was a tough bunch of students who braved swimming today... it was a wee bit cold apparently! After doing the 'serious' swimming, there was time for a quick free swim.


  1. Swimming was heaps of fun today, it was pretty cold though! Looks like its going to be a great swimming term.

  2. Even though it was raining the pool was very warm surprisingly. The handstand competition we did was really fun, congratulations on Georgia for winning that.

  3. The pool was so cold today! I think we all regretted it when we felt the water. After awhile it did get warm when your body turned numbed.

  4. Even though it was raining when we got in the pool it wasn't that cold. When we went under the water we got used to it after the third length in the pool. After we finished all our lengths we 10 minutes of a free swim.

  5. Best hair flick ever even better then Justin beber Ben,Jack and Fergus

  6. Another GREAT day for a swim... a typical New Zealand summer day with it's unpredictable climate. Those who went in the pool, good on you!

  7. It was very fun to play in the pool also the water was kind of warm.

  8. you guys are brave, hope you had fun
