
01 February 2018

Team Challenge - Cup Pyramids

The challenge?  Work with a team to construct a pyramid out of plastic cups.  We had to use a special rubber band/string device to move the cups, and weren't allowed to touch them with our hands.  Most groups developed a great strategy quickly and were able to ace this activity.  Great work Room 6!


  1. That sure looks fun! I wish I could have been there to do it with you. I wonder what group made the biggest cup pyramid?

  2. That was a really fun thing to do even though we did it last year.

  3. The cup challenge was so fun! I can't wait to do more fun challenges this year!

  4. This challenge was really fun because we had to work in a team and carefully make a cup pyramid. We had to pick the cups up with a rubber band connected to a string. I wonder if we will do this challenge again.

  5. This challenge was really fun to do. Can't wait to see what other challenges we do later on in the year.
