
10 May 2018

Sea Turtle Art

We have just completed a piece of art that we are super proud of.  After reading about how plastic kills hundreds of thousands of marine animals each year, we were inspired to find out more.  

We learnt that there are seven species of sea turtles, and six of these species are endangered.  Turtles can become stuck in ghost gear (fishing equipment), caught as bycatch or can choke on plastic bags.

First we sketched our turtles, after watching a 'How To Draw A Turtle' tutorial on You Tube.  Next we outlined them with vivid before painting the body, shell and background.  We used pastel to add detail to the shell and body to make our turtles look more life-like.

This art is dedicated to these beautiful creatures that grace our oceans:


  1. Your art is amazing buddy class! Love from Room 2

  2. Our turtle art looks really cool on the wall! I love all the different colours everyone used.

  3. WOW!Our art looks amazing they are really cool I cant wait to see what the next art will be.

  4. I really enjoyed doing this art. Everyone's art looks awesome!

  5. This art looks really cool up on our wall. I can't wait to do more art.

  6. Everyone's art looks so awesome!

  7. The Sea Turtle Art was really fun! I really enjoyed making it! Especially the painting part.

  8. Wow! Your artwork is so striking - neat use of colours. Every piece is awesome.

  9. Sea turtles are so cute!

  10. Those turtals look great room 6!!!
