
15 August 2013

Number Plate Challenge

To celebrate the end of Maths Week, we faced off in a Number Plate Challenge.  Using the cars in the school car park, we had to work on our own to find the answers the following questions:

  • Which car has the greatest total (numbers only)?
  • Which car has the lowest total (numbers only)?
  • What is the total if you add all the number plates together?
  • If A=1, B=2, C=3 etc, which car has the greatest total (letters only)?
  • If A=1, B=2, C=3 etc, which car has the lowest total (letters only)?
  • Can you round the numbers of each plate to the nearest 100?
We all enjoyed working on this activity - we'll never look at number plates in the same way again!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like just the thing for long car rides, Miss Simpson. Good fun!
