
28 September 2013

Blog Comment Competition

Over the past couple of weeks, Miss Simpson has been keeping a record of all blog comments made by our families - there were 74 in total. 

Thank you so much to those who have commented - it makes us feel pretty cool knowing that people enjoy checking out what we do in Room 6 and at Halcombe School. 

All the comments went into a special draw and one was drawn out...and the winner was...

Logan!  The odds were definitely in Logan's favour as his family commented many times - thank you!


  1. Thanks for the prize, Miss Simpson. We all enjoyed the chocolate, and are currently adding more apps and music to our collection. It was a good competition to participate in- I really enjoyed reading all of the different comments on your blog, and I hope everyone keeps up with it next term too. Thanks, once again!

  2. Hi Room 6
    I am Jude from Ross Intermediate, Room 2. I love your blog, you guys are so good at keeping everyone up to date and letting us know what's going on in Halcombe School! In room 2 we have to type a meaningful blog post every week and then take a screenshot and hand it in to our teacher Mrs Bradshaw. I like the competition guys, I'll suggest it to our class and hopefully give it a go! Hope to hear more,
    Jude Kinza Van Houtte
    Room 2
    Ross Intermediate
    25 Freyberg Street
    Roslyn, Palmerston North

    1. Thanks for the comment Jude. I love the idea of taking a screenshot of your blog posts and handing it in - might try this with my class!
