
30 November 2013

Bush Walk Opening

Over the past couple of months, the Green Team has been working very hard on creating a special bush walk at our school.  Not only have they made a cool bark path, but they have planted loads of native trees and bushes on either side.  Today we officially 'opened' the bush walk and everyone had a chance to walk through.  Well done to the Green Team and Miss Campbell, it looks awesome!


  1. I love the new bush walk, it looks awesome. It is a great add on to the green team and I hope it will last a long time.

  2. I really like the new path, I can't wait to see all the new ideas the green team are going to come up with.

  3. I love the new path to go into the green team. It must have taken lots of work!

  4. Good work guys on the green team!

  5. Nice work Green Team for all the hard work you put in to the opening of this track, it looks really good!

  6. The bush walk looks really good. I would like to thank Vikki for all her hard work to help us finish it. I can't believe we have actually done it. I hope to come back and see it in the future.

  7. The bushwalk looks really cool and its a lot easier to walk through now.It's a lot less slippery to walk across and I like how we did the classes 1 at a time.

  8. Thank you to the green team for putting so much hard work into this bush walk. It is a nice feature of the school.

  9. Making the bush walk was really difficult on hot days but once we were finished, it looked really good.
