
08 May 2018

Learning From A Little Kid!

This video gave us a real giggle yesterday, but actually, we can learn a lot from this cool little guy!

Keep trying!
Don’t expect others to clean up your mess.
Don’t rely on others, you can do it!
Don’t let the hard knocks get you down.
Don’t waste food or drink.
Don’t be a halfa (do half the job). Do a good job the first time around.
Sometimes things don’t go according to plan.  That’s life!
When you fail, just get back in there and give it another go.


  1. This is a really funny video to watch. I think that it is actually quite cool that he said straight away that he has to clean up the mess he makes.

  2. hhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa hhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa made me giggle

  3. That is a cool kid and it is very funny.

  4. He is funny. my favorite was the end

  5. He was really good at trying again

  6. I love your perseverance. I love how you don't give up!

  7. Good job little boy you actually know how to clean up your OWN mess!!!
    Well done! :)
